IOHT reaches fundraising goal for kiln restoration, still accepting donations
MARQUETTE — As of Thursday morning, the Iron Ore Heritage Trail has officially reached its goal to fund a project, but it still is looking to raise more money to help with the costs of the project. The goal was to raise $25,000 so the Michigan Economic Development Corporation would match that amount with grants.
The project will resurrect the last of the Carp River beehive kilns that were used to make charcoal in the 1800’s and early 1900’s, which collapsed back in the winter of 2016. Along with restoring the kiln, the project will move the kiln to on the north side of US–41 near the mouth of the Carp River at a brand new plaza.
“We like to make destinations, I think all trails need destinations. Why have a trail if it doesn’t lead to anywhere?” said Carol Fulsher, the administrator of the Iron Ore Heritage Recreation Authority. “And we really wanted to make a destination site out of this kiln restoration. So we are adding landscaping, pavers, lighting, artwork, interpretive signage, bike racks, and just make it a cool spot on the trail that you can stop and meet your neighbors, look out at the lake and learn a little bit about our history.”
Donors that give $100 will get their name on a paver, receive an IOHT decal, and a web site mention. And donors that give $500 will get a large name plaque on a refurnished kiln door, receive an IOHT decal and hat, plus vocal and printed recognition at the ribbon cutting and web site mention.
The fundraiser will still be going until June 18th, and if you would like to donate or want more information, click here.