MARQUETTE — For the 2nd year in a row, Northern Michigan University has been ranked in the top 10 for military–friendly universities.

When choosing where to attend college, a friendly welcome is important. When choosing a college directly after military service, this warm welcome can mean everything. NMU has many specialized programs, tailored directly to those who have served.

“Directly to veterans, we have an organization just for veterans, and we’ll go do different things like going to the gun range, we’ll do other things for the food pantry, we’ll raise some food for them. There’s other opportunities around campus for veterans and their spouses, and other dependents as well. We also have our own lounge, so veterans can have their own way to get away and study,” says Traci Dietz, worker at Veteran’s Services.

NMU also has a variety of other programs to offer, not just to those in the military. Military families can enjoy other benefits that NMU presents, thanks to their Veteran Services office. This office provides everything from activities, to peer support, to networking.

Another big draw to NMU for veterans is certain degrees NMU has to offer, such as Fish & Wildlife Management, and Medicinal Plant Chemistry. Another thing that veterans can look forward to at NMU? The ever–friendly Wells the dog, who is always welcoming a good scratch.

For ABC 10 and the CW5, I’m Donny Ede.