“Trash to Treasure Weekend” begins Friday
MARQUETTE — Beginning on Friday, Marquette residents can put their household items that do not get use on the street for others to pick up.
The City of Marquette is hosting their annual ‘Trash to Treasure’ weekend. They invite and encourage all residents in the community to participate in the event.
“The idea is to put out things that other people could re-use” said Director of Public Works, Scott Cambensy. “It’s an idea that we actually got from our neighbors to the south in Escanaba, but it’s been growing success through the years and the public enjoys it”
‘Trash to Treasure’ will begin on Friday, August 24, at 5 p.m. and will continue until Sunday August 25, ending at 5 p.m.
Guidelines for the event are as follows:
- Residents can place reusable/serviceable items in front of their house on the curb no earlier than 5 p.m. Friday, Aug. 24. Unclaimed items must be removed from the curb by 5 p.m. Sunday, Aug. 26.
- Removal of items will be strictly enforced in accordance with Section 22.33 of the City’s Nuisance Ordinance: It shall be unlawful for any person to accumulate rubbish or any articles or junk, except as may be necessary for construction work or normal course of a business.
- This Public Service Announcement will serve as notice that items left at the curb will be picked up by the Public Works Department and invoiced to the property owner on a time, material and disposal fee basis.
- College students are encouraged to participate in the treasure hunt in that they may find items which will be useful to them in their dormitory or apartment.
- Examples of items that can be recycled include lamps, tables, chairs, dishes, etc. Please, no rubbish.
- Rubbish is defined to mean anything that does not work, is not clean and is not serviceable.
- Depositing unwanted items is prohibited. It is suggested that residents remove lawn ornaments and other wanted items to avoid mistaken identity.