MARQUETTE — Ooey, gooey and full of spooky fun, the Upper Peninsula Children’s Museum will be hosting a science night October twenty–seventh for ‘Young Frankenstein’s.

The event will host chemistry clubs and organizations from NMU, and will feature many hands on science experiments featuring Dracula, goblin goo, and other Halloween fun.

“We’ve got nine different science clubs coming we’ll pack the place with twenty different exercises and activities to do. Lots of giveaways, we’ve got five hundred dollars worth of door prizes, it’s free. You will be doing STEM activities and science and you’ll be doing [stuff], goblins and ghouly things in the dark, in the museum you can play and I can’t find anything wrong with that, ” said Jim Edwards, museum volunteer.

Children of young ages and their families are welcome to this free event in the hopes children will be interested in science and STEM practices.

For more information contact the museum.