Prostate Cancer – what you need to know
ESCANABA — Health professionals and advocates dedicate the month of September to various diseases and cancers, one of which is Prostate Cancer. ABC Ten’s Sarah Mac has more on what local health professionals and the community are doing to raise awareness.
Most people would say that cancer is not an easy thing to talk about, but UP Health System Marquette is looking to make it as easy as possible. Since September is national Prostate Cancer Awareness Month the health system hosted a talk with a local oncologist and urologist about what men should know.
Urologist Dr. Jay Lonsway says, “It is the second largest cancer diagnosis or the second largest number of men who will be dying from cancer. It’s second only to lung cancer, but it’s probably, I do believe, it’s the largest number of diagnoses for cancer in men.”
The main points included testing, treatment and new game–changing data – along with some friendly advice from the docs.
“I think that Prostate Cancer is still a widely diagnosed cancer within men,” Dr. Lonsway added, “I do think that it is worth while to have that discussion with your physician and family, and I think it’s a good idea to have a PSA test and at least get a baseline for where you are at a younger age between the ages of 50 and 70.”
A PSA test is a blood test that measures prostate–specific antigen that would help doctors determine whether the patient would need more testing or not. It is the first step to test for Prostate Cancer.
The doctors say that over diagnosing has been an issue over the years which has lead to unnecessary treatments. They also say Prostate cancer is unique to each individual man. So because of those points the doctors say that the current recommendation is to discuss each option and concerns in your medical history with your physician first.