38,000 people commit suicide every year in the United States and as many as 8 million people consider it. ABC Ten’s Keweenaw Bureau Reporter Rick Allen says there’s an effort in Houghton County to help prevent it from happening.

An average of four people per year commit suicide in Houghton County and the question often asked afterward is “Who could have prevented it?” Dial Help is hosting a suicide prevention web-cast and community planning event Thursday called “Everyone Plays a Role in Suicide Prevention” which may help answer that question.

Dial Help Information Manager Kevin Weir says, “It doesn’t matter if you’re a faith–based leader, if you’re involved in a middle school, high school or university level, whether you’re in a primary care setting, a veterans’ group or any other community organization—everyone can play a role in suicide prevention.”

The event takes place at 10am at the Copper Country ISD Building in Hancock and is open to everyone.  Participants will also discuss an action plan for preventing suicides.

Weir added, “After the web-cast, Sandra McGovern from Marquette General Hospital will be presenting a Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan that she developed for Marquette County.”

The event is free, however space is limited, and registration at www.dialhelp.org.