Hancock Public Schools to Begin Search for Full Time Resource Officer
HANCOCK – Hancock Public Schools approved plans to search for a full-time school resource officer(SRO), during a special meeting last Friday. Prior to the covid pandemic the school district began an SRO program, but was put on hold during the time schools operated remotely. Superintendent Steve Patchin says that the district heard from parents and students during the meeting, and will work with the public to work on improve safety of students.
Earlier in the school year, the Hancock Police Department began moving into their office, set up inside the school building, for a part time officer to be on campus. During the summer, while school is out, the district will begin looking for a full time officer to reside at the school. Patchin says that the search for a full time officer will take some time to find the right candidate, and hopes to have one ready to go for the coming school year.