Mobile Coverage Task Force Needs Board Members to Find Solution
EAGLE RIVER – Mobile phone coverage in the Keweenaw may get a solution over the next year. Yesterday, residents from Keweenaw County came together to start discussing the organization of a new Community Task Force. Whose goal, it is to find a practical solution to low mobile coverage in the northern portion of the peninsula.
“What ultimately happens is , when you define it, you research the history. You want to be able to gather the necessary data. And then we see if what potential solutions are there, that you then build upon. Either create or discover, solutions for this. That ultimately the outcome of this task force is to recommend solutions to the community. That will address and then solve the defined problem.” – John Mueller, Task Force Organizer
Primarily focused on gather input from the community, the Task Force’s main goal will be data gathering. Most of that work will occur during the spring and summer. The hope is to have a viable solution around the fall, after task force members talk with and gather information from residents.
“And the community task force, are those that will champion it, and are willing to really work with others. Because hopefully there’s going to be hundreds of people who are going to be providing feedback. And community task force members are going to be tasked with organizing all that information. There not the one’s coming up with ideas, they’re managing,curating, and organizing that information and making sure we get multiple perspectives on this problem.” – John Mueller, Task Force Organizer
The task force will be made up of Keweenaw County residents, interested parties from the nearby area, a county commissioner and other municipal leaders from nearby townships. There is a website for people who want to get involved or want to learn more about the issue of mobile coverage in Keweenaw County. The deadline to nominate a board member is March 15th, and the nomination form can be filled out online.