Shiras Planetarium hosts showcase in support of new equipment

MARQUETTE — Out with the old, in with the new. That’s the goal for Marquette’s beloved planetarium.



The Shiras Planetarium in Marquette held a showcase today to demonstrate new equipment they are looking to buy for the future. Compared to their current technology, the newer projectors provided cleaner and crisper imaging, allowing the audience to see more.

“Our only working technology is a star projector that we purchase in 1992, this really would take it to a whole new level, and we would be able to teach about all subject matter, really tailor our lessons, and get feet off the ground and fly around the universe, and so it really ups our game and we hope we can bring this to the community,” said Becky Simmons, the director of the Shiras Planetarium.

The new equipment is expected to be installed in the fall. It would cost about $1.5 million, and Marquette Area Public Schools is looking for support from the community and its organizations.