Ishpeming meth bust update reveals children were inside the home
Photo Courtesy Greg Peterson
The names of the three suspects arrested on meth charges in Ishpeming Wednesday have been released.
Robert Kangas, Jr., 46, of Marquette, Candice Bonner, 32, of Ishpeming, and Taylor Trezona, 18, of Big Bay were arraigned in 96th District Court Thursday. They are currently being held in jail on $100,000 bonds.
The suspects will appear in court for a preliminary exam July 17.
An Ishpeming home was busted for meth last night for the second time in five months. This time, however, two children were involved.
Ishpeming Police say they arrested three people during the raid after receiving a referral from Protective Services about a couple who had just moved to Ishpeming that were alleged to have been making and using methamphetamine. An investigation into the incident revealed that a 46-year-old man staying at 429 East High Street was taking care of his 18-month-old child while under the influence of meth. The child’s 32-year-old mother and an unrelated 18-year-old woman from Big Bay were also taken into custody after meth making components and a 1 pot generator were found inside the home.
All three suspects were then lodged at the Marquette County Jail on one count of operating and maintaining a meth lab in the presence of a minor, and operating and maintaining a lab involving methamphetamine. Both charges are punishable by up to 20 years in prison and/or a $100,000 and $25,000 fine, respectively.
The 18-month-old and an unrelated 13-year-old boy from Marquette who was also in the house at the time of the bust were treated for possible meth exposure at Bell Hospital. The small child was then taken into protective custody.
No other information regarding the identity of the three suspects will be released until after they have been arraigned.