Most people have had the experience:

You see police lights behind you, and you need to pull over but how do you do it safely?

One Houghton viewer asked: If the police are pulling you over, is it okay to keep going until you find a safe place to stop? How do you let the officer know that?

Michigan State Police Trooper Curt Pennala said it’s best to keep your safety and the safety of the officer in mind during a traffic stop.

“Put your blinker on signaling that you are going to pull over and pull in somewhere,” Pennala said. “If you are going to pull over, if there is somewhere close to pull into… We would prefer that. Get off the highway and if there’s a guardrail go past the guardrail. Make sure there is ample room for us to stand on the side of the road without being in traffic. ”

If you get pulled over, the state police recommend that you try to stay still and keep your hands in sight at all times.

A link to more information about what to expect during a traffic stop can be found here:,4643,7-123-1878_1711-397306–,00.html

Thank you Trooper Pennala for answering this week’s question.

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