Douglass Houghton Falls to Get Easier Access

Michigan’s tallest waterfall will soon become easier to access. The Department of Natural Resources Trust Fund board recommended 300,000 dollars be used to develop better access to the Douglass Houghton Falls. The waterfall rests near M-26 in Lake Linden. Previously the land’s owner allowed visitors to view the falls from their property. But in the mid 2010’s access to the falls was closed due to overuse and safety concerns. In 2018 the state purchased the land surrounding the falls from James Kuusisto. The waterfall prior to then, had been in his family for many years. Douglass Houghton Falls has a height of 110 feet and is fed by Hammel Creek. Once the trust fund’s allocation is approved by legislators, the DNR will ask for community input about what access to the falls should look like.