The Winds of Change are Stalling in Adams and Stanton Township

Things are heating up again surrounding the issue of wind turbines in Adams and Stanton townships . Guardians of the Keweenaw Ridge, a citizens group that opposes the project and Circle Power Vice President Chris Moore attended board meetings held at each township this week.  Circle power admitted to filing a FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) request to investigate the powers of the township planning commission.

FOIA requests are fairly standard prior to the development of renewable energy projects, Moore said. The practice allows a developer to adapt as situations and zoning ordinances change.

In Stanton the township board sent surveys to voting residents asking about their thoughts on the circle power project. It received 384 responses. James Mihelcic of the Guardians of the Keweenaw Ridge said that represents a formidable chunk of the community.

Moore said the plan for now is to build 12 turbine sites in Adams township. Moore said Stanton township is now off the table, but the developer is still looking for other options in the area. There is still strong opposition to circle power and the development of their wind project in the copper country. Only time will tell if a compromise can be made.