MARQUETTE — The “Going Pro Talent Fund” is an option for business looking to expand their business or create new skills training opportunities for employees.



The Going Pro Fund is a fund allocated through the state of Michigan for Michigan employers to help address the their talent needs.

It supports skill enhancement, talent recruitment, talent retention, and more.

“Right now in the local workforce around the state of Michigan we’re seeing a shortage of talent, so it does a great job supporting employers by assisting in new hires and also by assisting in up-scaling current workforce” Workforce Service Specialist, Lewis Strom. “So there’s training of current staff members to obtain new skills and increase the abilities of their current workforce.”

Last year, the training fund was called the Skilled Trades Training Fund, but this year it was codified into law as the Going Pro Training Fund.

Any private non-profit or profit company are eligible to apply for the training fund.

The fund began in 2003 with a few million dollars and has now grown to a 27 million dollar training fund.

The application process is now open until October 3, 2018.

For more information, click here