Homeowner Information for Safe Drinking Water After a Flood

HOUGHTON CO. — The Western U.P. Health Department issues the following precautions for well-water users who believe their wells may have been flooded due to the severe storm this morning that resulted in erosion and flooding.

Water from a well that has been flooded should be assumed to be contaminated. Do not use the well water for drinking, cooking, making ice, brushing teeth, or even bathing until you are satisfied that the water is not contaminated.

Purchasing bottled water is recommended until corrected. In order to ensure that the water is safe, the well should be disinfected, then the water should be tested to make sure pathogens have been completely eliminated. If you suspect
that your well may be contaminated, contact Western U.P. Health Department for specific advice on disinfecting your well.

For more information, go to the health department web site at www.westernuphealth.org.