MARQUETTE — An ordination ceremony was held today at St. Peter’s Cathedral in Marquette.

The ceremony was held on behave of two men who will now be entering priesthood. In order for the ordination ceremony to occur, the two men had to face a long journey of education and experience.

“If someone were to enter this process, say after someone graduated from high school, it would be an eight year process of formation and preparation” said Bishop Doerfler.

The ordainment ceremony enables the Priests to minister in Christ’s name along with the name of the church. Now that the process has come to an end, both Priests feel relieved and happy.

“It feels great, it’s an accumulation of a lot of prayer, of a lot of thanksgiving, and of course a lot of prayer and sacrifice from all the good people here in the diocese of Marquette” said Father Nowicki.

The two men are excited to return to their homes as official Priests.