NEGAUNEE — Today concluded a series of Tuesday programs at a local museum. The Iron Industry Museum in Negaunee hosted guest speakers with varied interests and careers centered around Michigan industry this summer. Tonight people could hear a local historian and author share information from his book, Upper Peninsula Beer.

Retired NMU Professor Russell Magnaghi says, “I was familiar with beer in the Upper Peninsula and then I got a phone call from the history press, and they said ‘Would you do a book on beer in the Upper Peninsula?’ I did the history of beer in the U.P. but also had the recent developments of the micro-brewers.”

Magnaghi says that it was challenging at times to write the book because the topic was too common, so there wasn’t enough documented information. He says there were fun moments, though, like interviewing local brewers across the U.P.

The book is available on Amazon and at other local bookstores here in the U.P.

Admission was free, however no samples were provided.

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