3rd Thursday Art Festival is a success
NEGAUNEE — The Upper Peninsula is a great inspiration for artwork of all kinds, and local artists got a chance to show off their work Thursday night.
Thursday was the 3rd Thursday Art Festival in Downtown Negaunee. This the first summer for the festival, but it’s already been a success. Last month, there were only ten vendors, and this month there are fifteen.
“We were looking for something that would get people back down in the summer time and we just wanted to keep it casual and fun and have that street fair feel that people love in the summer,” said Janice Chittle, who planned the art festival, “It’s important because this is where Negaunee started, this is the history, this is Negaunee. [We want] to get people back in these buildings, where Negaunee was a booming mining town and these buildings are amazing and there’s renovations going on. The drive is to get back downtown and take advantage of the history of our towns. To get people to come down and see it again and realize we’re here is something that all of us on the street as business owners are all working together and striving to do together.”
If you missed the fun, not to worry. The festival will return to Iron Street every third Thursday of the month through September.