“Broadway Melodies on Ice” by the Marquette figure skating club

MARQUETTE — “Broadway Melodies on Ice” is the theme of the Marquette’s Figure Skating Club’s annual showcase and fundraiser.

About a hundred rythmic skaters and dozens of performances will hit the ice at the Berry events Center Friday night. The skating club says with the variety of numbers being performed, you are sure to have a favorite or two. The skaters range in age from three years old all the way up to eighteen and they say it’s a community show that shouldn’t be missed.

“I’m really looking forward to the tiny, tiny little ones, they are so adorable and cute. This is a really fun time, the kids are having fun, they are having a blast, I am having a blast,” said Marquette Figure Skating Club Director, Jamie Wiegold.

“It’s the biggest event of the year for our club and it’s always really fun. It is the first year that we are doing a high school number. It will be Bruno Mars and we do a couple of lifts in that and I get to do a couple of cool things so that’s always fun to,” said Claire Belkowski, 14 year–old Skater.

The event starts at 7:00 P.M. with a Saturday performance at 2:00 P.M. Tickets range from $5 dollars to $10 dollars. The Marquette Figure Skating Club is a nonprofit organization and all money raised go to support the club.