Yoopers loving the low gas prices

There are a lot of things to love about the UP and gas prices are one of those things right now.

We went to a local gas station to find out how people are feeling about the price at the pump.For most drivers, getting gas is a task that must be done, regardless of the price tag. But with the cost per gallon steadily falling, drivers are able to spend sometimes half as much to fill up their tank.

Joanie Barron said “Last year at this time it was, I think, $60 to fill up and now it’s like $30, $32.”
“I’ve got like a 20 minute commute, one way, everyday, so this helps me a lot for sure having lower gas prices”added Katie Duman.
“When I go down to Green Bay on vacation it probably cost me around $100 and now it’s like 40 bucks to fill it up, 50 bucks. I can go twice the distance now, drive around all day,” continued Robert Johnson from Hannahville.