“A loud boom, then no power” said Marquette residents
A loud explosion, then no power. That is how some residents in Marquette say their evening got started.
Just before 6pm the power went out for residents in an area on Vandenboom Street when an explosion occurred, the transformer sparking and power lines down.
Resident, David Halverson described the incident as follows, “I was relaxing in my house when I heard a big explosion and I thought it was just our house and then we got out and started driving around to see exactly what happened,” David Halverson.
“By talking to them they said that the transformer did not actually blow up but some of the ceramic part of the insulator associated with the top of the transformer was at fault, so that is what caused the big loud explosion,” said resident Scott Hanson.
Emergency crews were dispatched and arrived on the scene, residents say within 20 minutes. Power was restored to most of the residents within two hours.