Benishek helps White House find U.P. on map

The White House’s website may be in need of a geography lesson, and Dr. Dan Benishek could be the man for the job.

upmapThe map featured on did not include Michigan’s Upper Peninsula. Dr. Benishek took matters into his own hands, urging President Barack Obama to fix it.

“Considering President Obama visited the U.P. only a few years ago, you would think he would remember to include it in the maps on his website.  It makes you wonder if the president’s omission of the entire U.P. from his maps is reflective of his views of us Yoopers?  Frankly, it’s no surprise to the many families up here that are being hurt by the president’s health care plan, that he ignores us on his map. They have continually ignored us and others when they shoved this law through Congress on a partisan vote,” said Dr. Benishek, a surgeon from Iron River and lifelong resident of Michigan’s Upper Peninsula.

A map on the White House website illustrating Medicaid coverage in the United States draws the borders of Michigan, but does not include the Upper Peninsula.

“Even though President Obama chooses to ignore us, we are the ones suffering the consequences of his ill-conceived, poorly executed health care law.  It’s hurting patients, families, and small business owners that are losing jobs, losing coverage, and paying more for less or having to deal with a ton of new regulations,” added Dr. Benishek.