Learning more about the Affordable Care Act

The Health Insurance Marketplace opened to millions of Americans at the beginning of the month.

With all the reported problems in signing up for the Affordable Care Program, it is a good idea to get the correct information on the matter.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan has refocused its Welcome Centers statewide to assist consumers with the new changes.  At the Marquette office, there has been a notable increase in the volume of traffic, and it is clear that people are in search of answers.

“There are four levels in the marketplace,” Blue Cross Blue Shield Office Regional Manager Michael Fedrizzi said.  “There is the gold tier, the silver tier, bronze tier, and the catastrophic tier.  We offer four plans in each one.  The cheaper tier would be the bronze tier.  People want to go ahead and look at the plan that is available to them, figure out what price point they want, where they want to be and what they want to spend and also whether or not they are eligible for the subsidies.”

If you are covered by a healthcare plan through your employer, you may not see any changes, but checking with your human resources department to see if your plan will need to be updated is recommended.

Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan is the only carrier offering plans in all 83 Michigan counties.

Consumers can talk directly with a health plan advisor or licensed Blue Cross agent at the Marquette office on which plan will best suit their situation.

Additional information can be found at www.healthcare.gov.  Online applications for the Health Insurance Marketplace can be filled out there as well.