Celebrate responsibly

Drinking celebrations will be taking place all over Michigan with people toasting to the Irish, and, unfortunately, some will consider consuming as much alcohol as they can drink in a short period of time, which is known as binge drinking. This ritual has turned March 17 from a fun ethnic and religious holiday into one of the most alcohol-fueled days of the year.

“This is festive holiday certainly provides increased business, however it is the responsibility of our licensees to make sure that they do not over-serve their patrons,” said Andy Deloney, Chairman of the Michigan Liquor Control Commission (MLCC).  “In addition to the health and social dangers of over serving, doing so is a violation with fines up to $1,000, with the possibility of a suspension or revocation of a license. If you’re not sure, don’t serve.”

Binge drinking occurs when a man consumes five or more drinks, or a woman consumes four or more drinks, in a short period of time. Because women metabolize alcohol less efficiently than men and usually have less body mass, they become more intoxicated with a comparable number of drinks (one drink is generally calculated as a 12 oz. bottle of beer or wine cooler, a 5 oz. glass of wine or 1.5 oz. of 80-proof distilled spirits).

If you are going out to celebrate this St. Patrick’s Day, either in your local pub, a friend’s home, or hosting your own celebration, please remember the signs of intoxication, avoid binge drinking, and do not drive while intoxicated. Buzz driving is drunk driving, bring or provide a designated driver or call a cab if you have been drinking.

 For a complete list of visible signs of intoxication or more information about the MLCC, please visit www.michigan.gov/lcc. Follow us on Twitter www.twitter.com/MILiquorControl, “Like” us on Facebook.