Benishek Town Hall Meetings

Congressman Dan Benishek began his second term in office last week.

This week, he’s been in the Upper Peninsula to host a pair of community forums to listen to residents’ concerns.

He visited Escanaba for one of those sessions.

Benishek was one of the House Republicans who voted for the fiscal cliff compromise deal.

He says that since the deal’s passage and signage into law means tax increases on 99% of Americans have been avoided, this is the time to talk about spending.

Benishek says spending needs to be addressed because 42% of the money the federal government spends is borrowed.

He says Congress is in store for trench warfare with President Obama about spending this winter.

Those clashes will have to do with the debt ceiling and a wide range of automatic spending cuts that are scheduled to take place in March.

The fiscal cliff deal ended the two-year reduction of Social Security taxes that gave many low–income Americans a break on payday.

Congressman Benishek says an extension of the Social Security tax holiday was never on the table for the fiscal cliff deal because the money is needed to help keep Social Security solvent into the future.

He says he was opposed to the two-year cut to begin with.

Benishek held a similar event in Iron River Monday night to listen to Iron County residents.