Chocolay Twp. Community Garden

Chocolay Township’s first community garden was built on Saturday behind the Harvey Baptist Church.

With the help of many different community organizations, the project came together rather quickly.

Township planning director Kelly Drake Woodward says local Eagle Scouts organized the construction, directing Rotary Club volunteers as they work and even buying many of the supplies themselves.

Funding for the garden was provided by all three Marquette County Rotary Clubs, matched by a district grant from Rotary.

Matt Collins and Ethan Park of Boy Scout Troop 370 created the garden as part of a project to receive their Eagle Scout badge.

And they both say they’re glad to be able to help people grow their own fresh produce even if they don’t have any space of their own.

If you’re interested in renting a garden plot, you can stop into the

Chocolay Township Hall for more information.

Posted by: Mike Hoey