Holiday Season & Domestic Violence

With thanksgiving in the rear–view mirror, the holiday season is upon us.

And many people have the impression that the holidays are a peak season for domestic violence.

The head of the Marquette Women’s Center says she often hears from residents who want to know if certain times of year have more domestic violence incidents than others.

She says residents often ask about Thanksgiving, Christmastime or the period around the Super Bowl.

Phyllis Loonsfoot says in her experience with the Women’s Center, domestic violence doesn’t have any spike periods that can be counted upon from year to year like that.

Loonsfoot says it’s understandable that people in the community would think this — she says every administrator or staff member of a domestic violence shelter encounters that perception.

Loonsfoot says anyone experiencing domestic violence in Marquette or Alger Counties should call the Women’s Center’s 24–hour crisis line.

It’s 226–6611.