Marquette School Bond Forum

The average homeowner in the Marquette Area Public Schools district would see an extra $65 tax bill annually if the 1.5-mill bond proposal is passed.

The school board says that figure is for a house valued at $150,000.

Several dozen people attended an informational presentation on the bond issue last night.

The measure will be on the ballot on November 8th.

School officials outlined the benefits and cost savings aspects to the plan.

Audience members voiced a variety of concerns, ranging from closing and tearing down Bothwell Middle School to getting a clear picture of current enrollment numbers.

The millage is expected to generate a little more than $29 million for the school district.

It would be used for renovations and new building projects, focusing on improved technology and energy.

You can find a complete version of the bond proposal and the changes that would be made here.

You can also see what your estimated tax would be should the millage pass by heading here.