University Celebrates World Water Day

HOUGHTON — World Water day is meant to start discussions about water around the world. On this day, many people talk about local and global water issues and how to solve them.

Michigan Tech celebrated the day with events around campus, including a lecture by John Austin, the president of Michigan’s State Board of Education.

Austin said, “Well I think it’s a day when we step back and understand the incredible power and importance of water. Globally, people need water for life. We’re blessed here in Michigan and the Great Lakes with natural beauty and surrounded by fresh water…more than any other place on the planet. As we’ve talked about here today, cleaning up that water and reconnecting communities to it, is an important economic driver for making pure Michigan the place people choose to live work and play.”

Austin says Michigan has the potential to be a world leader in water innovation. He describes water as being a part of our future much like industrialization was part of our past.

Austin said, “1 in 5 jobs in Michigan already are linked to water or water innovation. It’s a huge market for us to grow new businesses, new jobs, leveraging our great water resources and our great water assets. As we created the industrial economy and created great wealth, we can be the world’s leader to create new jobs in this blue economy. “