Proof of insurance in the palm of your hand

Michigan Secretary of State Ruth Johnson recently announced new legislation that would make Michigan motorists’ important documents available with the push of a button.

Cars, and more specifically glove compartments, often gather clutter, which can leave drivers scrambling to find their vehicle registration and proof of insurance. But recent developments that are being pushed through Lansing might help alleviate the stress.

“The change, the two bills that are moving through the senate now, would allow those proofs to be shown on an electronic smartphone or another electronic device that would take advantage of the latest technology. Instead of having a slip of paper, you could simply show the officer or the branch employee the screen,” explained David Leverton, Northern Michigan Region Manger for the Secretary of State.

A number of other states have adopted similar measures for both renewing vehicle registration and showing proof of insurance to a police officer on a roadside stop.

State officials believe the move would reduce the number of costly “No Proof of Insurance tickets” for people who forgot to stow away their paper slip or for those who had not yet received it through the mail.

You can access electronic versions of your vehicle registration right now at