Preseason Concussion Screenings

On the health front, a look ahead to high school athletics.

As teens get ready to enter a new season of sports, one of the growing concerns has become the kids’ safety.

A top concern is concussions.

For a group of athletes at one U.P. high school, part of the training today was devoted to a pre–season concussion screening.

Student athletes from Marquette Senior High School spent part of their day taking a baseline impact examination.

The test is another tool to help give coaches, and trainers a better way of detecting concussions that an athlete may have suffered during the course of a game or practice.

Having another tool to help fight and treat concussions has been an important – not just on the athletic field, but also in the class room.

Athletes who receive concussions during a game or practice are also more likely to miss school because of the injury.