Marquette County Board Approves K-9 Funding

The Marquette City Police Department has $5,000 to add to funding efforts for a new K–9 unit.The Marquette County Board voted unanimously to approve the funding request that will go towards the start up and establishment of a two dog K–9 unit for the city of Marquette.

The dogs will be trained in search and rescue but their main purpose will be to combat the growing issue of drug use in the community.

Even though the K–9 program will be run through the city of Marquette, the dogs will be able to assist the entire county. Detective/Captain Gordie Warchock says it will cost between $21,000 and $25,000 to fund the start-up of the unit. Those interested in contributing can contact the Marquette City Police Department.

The Board also touched on the hot button issue of public access at the Salmon Trout River through County Road KK. Marquette County Prosecutor Matt Wiese was on hand to clarify the legalities of the situation. He said to the best of his knowledge the public is legally allowed to access the River.

The Board approved a request asking the Marquette County Road Commission to survey and mark the area.The Commissioners also plan to hear from Marquette County Sheriff Mike Lovelace on the issue later this month.