Learning about snakes at the U.P. Children’s Museum

Many people are afraid of slithery snakes, but one program at the U.P. Children’s Museum aims to get kids–and their parents–used to the reptiles.

The program, called Lizardry, teaches kids about the reptilian world.  This week’s program consisted of snakes.  Kids could touch a corn snake, which are friendly and easy to handle.

“I bring them to the children’s museum to help people to get over their fear of snakes, to get used to them…when they seem them in the wild have a respect but not a fear so that they can understand that they can coexist with them, and mainly because they’re an important part of the ecosystem,” Dr. Cheri Shevy said.

Dr. Shevy said it’s fun to see how the kids are timid at first with the snakes, but then gradually warm up to the reptiles, realizing the animals aren’t as scary as they first seem.

“Probably my absolute favorite is watching the dads that are a little bit afraid of snakes and have probably been a little afraid their whole life and their little kid is holding the snake and they finally reach out and touch it and they realize, ‘You know, I’m never going to love ’em, but okay they’re not that bad. If my kid can handle it maybe I can too’,” Shevy said.

Lizardry takes place every third Wednesday of the month at the museum at 4:30 p.m.  More information on other events and activities at the U.P. Children’s Museum can be found here.