Interview workshops helps students prepare for the future

HOUGHTON — The Copper Country Intermediate School District, along with help from Michigan Rehab Services, held their annual Interview Workshop today at Michigan Tech.

High school juniors and seniors took part in special activities including a reality store, where they find out things like how to budget for a family and a house.  The students also had the opportunity to participate in mock interviews with local businesses to get the experience of applying for a job.

“Many of the employers say they would hire that student right now if I had an opening for a position.  They’re very enthusiastic employers that want to just help our youth be successful after high school,” Michigan Rehab Services rehab counselor Kathy Flagstadt said.

“And they’ve been very impressed with a number of our kids. One of the employers was just telling me today what a stunning young lady she had interviewed and how articulate she was and it was such a positive experience,” Copper Country ISD transition coordinator Lois Weber said.

And the students say the activities they participated in will be very useful after they graduate, especially the mock interviews.

“I was with the first person and I asked a couple questions to see what kind of jobs I could apply for,” Hancock High School student Greg Tollenen said.

“It helped me a lot and built my confidence to be able to go apply for jobs,” Baraga High School student Ashley Beck said.

“We did an interview, resumes and applications that will help us. And we talked about our colleges,” Copper Country ISD student Aaron Reed.

The students were also visited by Jessica Manier and Toni Wilson from the Superior Alliance for Independent Living organization, and were shown a presentation about what it takes to get started after graduation.

“We talked about IEP meetings, strengths and weaknesses, setting goals and just advocating for themselves once they transition out of high school,” Manier said.

During each phase of the program, the students learned a little more about the real world and how to be ready for it. And thanks to this workshop, they should have no trouble at all.