Esky North Shore Plan Getting Closer

Escanaba is one step closer to re-developing the city’s north shore.

This fall, the city council asked for planning firms to send development proposals.

10 companies did, and those 10 have been whittled down to 3.

Last night, the city planning commission interviewed people from those 3 companies.

The group will talk about the 3 proposals when they meet a week from tomorrow.

They plan to further narrow the list to 1 company by December 18th and recommend that 1 company to the city council.

If the council goes along, that 1 firm will be hired to create a re-development plan.

Any land use already in the area would be grandfathered into the plan.

Members of the public, including property owners, would define additional land uses.

The land involves public and private property from the lighthouse to the Escanaba River.