Drunk Driving: A Bad Idea, Part 2

For the police to pull someone over on suspicion of drunk driving, the driver first needs to commit a traffic violation.  The police then make contact with the driver, and look for signs that point to alcohol or drugs.

If there are signs of alcohol or drugs in the vehicle or on the driver, the driver is asked to get out of the vehicle.  The police then look for further signs that alcohol or drugs have been used.

The police observe how a person exits the vehicle, and how quickly they respond to exiting the vehicle.  The police would then ask the driver to do sobriety tests, such as a walk and turn or one legged stance.

Other signs of an intoxicated driver include bloodshot eyes, the smell of alcohol and slurred speech.

If someone is arrested for driving while intoxicated, the police run their license information to see if there are any prior offenses.  The sanctions, fines, and penalties are higher for multiple drunk driving offenses.

The police take the multiple offender’s license plate, and the driver is issued a paper plate.  Until the driver gets their drunk driving offense fixed with the court, they will be driving with a paper plate.

In Michigan, a person is considered an adult at age 17.  If someone under the age of 17 is pulled over on suspicion of drunk driving, they are usually released to a parent and most likely not taken to jail.