MARQUETTE — The Michigan DNR released new fishing regulations for the upcoming season.

The DNR’s Natural Resources Commission finalized the changes at their meeting Thursday. One of the big changes this year revolves around bass. Fisherman can now catch and immediately release bass year–around, statewide.

“Some of them are related to management goals and we think those goals can be accomplished better with the new regulations. Some of them, in particular the change in the bass regulations, catch and immediate release, that came about because of specific requests from the anglers, and it was a very organized request and resulted from extensive public meetings and studies and all kinds of consultations. So it didn’t come about quickly or easily, but in response to that request,” said Phil Schneeberger, Lake Superior Basin Coordinator.

Fishing regulations are updated and adjusted every year. Unfortunately, several of the new regulations weren’t approved in time to make it into the new copy of the Michigan Fishing Guide.

“The Natural Resources Commissions’ regulatory authority was in question for unforeseen reasons. So we didn’t have the ability to establish the regulations in time to print them in the regulations guide that came out for the new season,” Schneeberger added.

Rules that were changed after printing have a red asterisk next to them. If you’re still confused, head over to our website to find a direct link to a more detailed explanation.