NEGAUNEE — Local students were able to immerse themselves in history thanks to a traditional community event.

This weekend the Iron Industry Museum in Negaunee is holding their Iron Ore and the Civil War – an event that allows students to learn national and local history. The event allows student to walk the grounds and meet a blacksmith and his wife, Battery–D and some union soldiers for a blast from the past.

Fourth grade student Ava Gustitis says, “I liked going to that cabin, like the fort part when they fired the canons, because I thought it was really cool, and I really like to learn about wars and history.”

Teacher Lauren Veale says that one of her favorite parts is watching the reaction from her students.

“I think that it’s sometimes really hard for kids to read a textbook and really envision what life was like in a different time, and so coming to an event like this it gives them an idea of what people looked like, dressed like, what their struggles were and I think it makes history come alive for them.”

The event is free and open to the public on Saturday.

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